rubber sheeting

3 Tableaus:
- Rubber Sheet Dermographia
- From Product to Fetish
- Rubber Poisoning

for the exhibition

"Field of Codes"
PIK (Projektraum im Kunstwerk) Köln, 2018

curated by Markus Saile

Press Release (Excerpt):

What do forms of intervention look like today, and to what extent is it possible to use them to subvert dominant forms of knowledge? What happens when one’s own critical stance—the disruption, the surprise, and the attempt to defeat expectation—is itself already entirely expected and anticipated? The artists included in the exhibition Field of Codes confound codes and levels of meaning with strategies of intervention, changing perceptions, and transferring knowledge from familiar areas to foreign ones. The exhibition raises questions about authenticity, the character of proof in information, and the tension between fact and fiction in artistic work.
With works by Marcel Hiller, Julian Irlinger, Sven Johne, Hiwa K, Katrin Mayer, Max Schaffer.

Along with the artists’ works, a publication was released that can be seen as an extension of Field of Codes—a second exhibition in book-form that approaches the themes artistically attended to in the exhibition space through language. The invited authors’ contributions form a conceptual field that interacts with the creative approaches and artistic preoccupations displayed in the exhibition. Ilka Becker, Hans-Christian Dany, Sarah Kolb, Fiona McGovern, Kerstin Stakemeier, and Marcus Steinweg cover theoretical, activist, medial, and topological areas of inquiry as they come to bear on the exhibition’s theme.


Field of Codes – Review von Nelly Gawellek für KubaParis:

Katrin Mayer befasst sich in ihrer Arbeit zwar mit der Geschichte des Ausstellungsraums, der ehemals die Kölnische Gummifäden-Fabrik beherbergte, doch dient ihr der Hintergrund als Auslöser, um anhand des Materials Kautschuk eine assoziativen Gedankenstrang in Bewegung zu setzen – vom haptischen Erlebnis, das bis in den Fetisch reicht, zu den umweltrechtlichen Fragen der Kautschuk-Gewinnung und dem Militär-Apparat, in dessen Dienst die Erforschung und Entwicklung des Materials stand. Transformation setzt Flexibilität voraus und so steht Gummi exemplarisch für das Potential zur Veränderung.


(Kein) Festland in Sicht? – Ellen Wagner über „Field of Codes“ auf ArtBlogCologne:


Fotos: Alwin Lay